Title Tag Optimization|search engine optimization | SEO tutorials | SEO optimization

Title Tag Optimization

How to add Title Tag?

Include your keywords in your page title.
The Title Tag of a site is the text contained between the tags at the beginning of an head or HTML file and is display in the top bar of a browsers.It is not the first heading of a page or any other large text that may displayed at top of a webpages.This is an very important distinction to know.


The Title tag is an important part of a website, it is a short description of the page, and the important words or keywords should go first.Every HTML (webpage)
should have a Title tag and all Title tag for multiple documents, it should be inserted into the header of your webpage and look like this below:


More Tips for Title Tag

How to make a resonable or relevant Title Tag for our website.Their is a different type of tips. Tips for Title Tag