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What are keywords?

In the context of the web, a keyword is a most important term that a persons enter into a search engine to find a information. Most people enters search phrases that consists of between five and two words.Such phrases called search phrases, keyword phrases, just phrases or query phrases,but they all mean same thing.

Your most important keywords are those most relevant and best search phrases you want to your website to be found for on a search engine result page (SERP) in Google or any search engine.Good keyword phrases are unique and specific.
It is a better to have 100 highly-qualified visitors who find your website listed under a unique search phrases and then are not that interested in what you offer once they get to your website.

The more specific and targeted your chosen keywords are the greater chance that visitors to your website will find what they are looking for in a search.You want a high "visitors to customers" ratio.You need to start thinking like a customers.Determine that what it is that they need, what are the problems they have, and what solutions to help them by some offers.

So how do you determine which keywords are most relevant and important for your site? There are two main online tools to provide relevant keywords for our website.
1. By using an online keyword tools are Adwords Keyword and WordTracker.
2. By analysis your site traffic statistics.Do this later over time to validate results of method 1 and more to find new keywords.